The Friends
The Friends of St. Margaret the Queen, Buxted was established as a Charitable Trust in 1981.
Its Charity Registration number is 282334.
The objects of The Friends are to raise funds for the preservation, upkeep, improvement and maintenance of the building fabric and churchyard of the 13th Century Parish Church of St.Margaret the Queen, Buxted.
Our constitution allows between five and nine Trustees, who work closely with the Parochial Church Council of The Parish of Buxted and Hadlow Down, the body now responsible for the church and its worship. The Trustees’ responsibility is to manage the charity and ensure that funds are available as and when needed to preserve the heritage of this ancient building.
Anyone, irrespective of religious persuasion, with an interest in maintaining and preserving St. Margaret’s Church, can apply to become a Friend. See the Support page for details.
We would dearly love to welcome you as a Friend, but we are also delighted to receive one-off gifts or bequests from anyone who would like to help us to preserve St. Margaret’s Church, Buxted for future generations to enjoy.